Musonius Rufus’ “Feminism”


  • Juliana Ortegosa Aggio Universidade Federal da Bahia



The objective of this essay is to analyze two diatribes in which the Stoic philosopher Musônio Rufo defends the teaching of philosophy for women in order to verify if such a defense would allow to assign to his work a kind of “feminism”. On the one hand, it will be seen that there is a bold vision for the period that proposes equality between men and women based on humanist arguments, on the other hand, it should be noted that, in general terms, there is an unrestricted concession to the male dominion over women, as dictated by the Roman custom of the first century of our era. From this essay follow the translations of the two diatribes: Diatribe III: That women should also philosophize and Diatribe IV: From ‘If the daughters should be educated similarly to the sons’.

Author Biography

Juliana Ortegosa Aggio, Universidade Federal da Bahia

PhD in Philosophy at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (2012)
Adjunct Professor  III at the Universidade Federal da Bahia , Brazil


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