Kelsen’s legal positivism and the challenge of Nazi Law




Kelsen’s legal positivism has often been criticized for having supported the compliance of the German judiciary with Nazi law. Especially Kelsen’s insistence on the separation of law and morality was considered as a crucial deficiency. I reject that criticism. My argument is that Kelsen’s thesis that law and morality constitute two distinct normative spheres seems persuasive if one takes into account that the Nazi legal theorist’s program of a ‘unification of law and morality’ served to extend the authority and power of the Nazi-regime. I criticize, however, Kelsen’s relativist account of morality which made his position vulnerable to the post-war objections that legal positivism provided no safeguard against the Nazi perversion of law.

Author Biography

Rubin Assis da Silveira Souza, Escola de Direito de São Paulo - FGV-SP

Pós-doutorando em direito pela escola de direito de São Paulo - FGV/SP


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