The limits of legal positivism and the political function of the idea of natural law in the critique of Alessandro P. D’Entrèves




Legal positivism, Jusnaturalism, Political philosophy, Alessandro Passerin d’Entrèves


This article investigates the approach to natural law and the critique of legal positivism made by the Italian philosopher of law and politics Alessandro Passerin d’Entrèves (1902-1985). The author resorts to a historicized approach to the idea of natural law and identifies a political function in them. Far from wanting to rescue an archaic idea of natural law, or trying to convince of the advantage of one or another superior value, the philosopher seems to affirm the need to include value clauses in the legal-political system. On the one hand, limiting the field of action of legal and political science; on the other, giving movement to the system of values by directing it to the perennial questions that the doctrines of natural law intended to answer, thus indicating the political function they have always exercised. By turning to Political Philosophy as the heir of the debate about authority, it tries to overcome both the limitations of positivism and jusnaturalism.

Author Biography

Maisa Martorano Suarez Pardo, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Doutora em Filosofia (Unicamp).


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Dossiê Positivismo Jurídico / Legal Positivism