Phonetic approach in intonational phonology


  • Luciana Lucente UFMG - Belo Horizonte



The aim of this article is discuss the difficulties on implementation of phonetic features in intonational annotation systems. The differences between the autossegmental-metrical model and the dynamics perspective on intonation are discussed and evaluated. As example are discussed the ToBI system and the DaTo system, na autossegmental-metrical system and a dynemic system, respectively. The ToBI system presentes a lack of phonetic features, as an exact annotation of boundary tones. On the other hand, the DaTo system needs a set of label store present the phonetic features, however, the ways of representation are not sufficient etore present the phonetic features as a whole. As example are presented some diferences in height between intonational contours which have the same representation, in other examples, the diferences between utterances with the same representation but diferente shapes. This article wants to invite there searchers to discuss these aspects in a phonetic approach of intonational phonology.

Author Biography

Luciana Lucente, UFMG - Belo Horizonte


