Counter-argument and speech: an approach transdisciplinary


  • Marcos Bispo Santos Universidade do Estado da Bahia



This article aims to present a transdisciplinary counter-arguments study model in opposition to the formalist approaches that characterize the scientific studies that object in the linguistic theories context. The proposal is based on the assumption that the transdisciplinary approach is necessary whenever it is sought to overcome the disciplinary fragmentation of knowledge, in view of practical objectives for which such knowledge is necessary, but insufficient. As a result, it articulates elements of classical rhetoric, new rhetoric, Bakhtin's theories about speech genres and text and textual linguistics to elaborate a device for analyzing counter-argumentation as a complex process inherent in various sociodiscursive practices. On the basis of that device, an opinion article was examined. It is concluded that, given the counter-argument complexity, the transdisciplinary approach allows a holistic understanding of its sociodiscursive functioning.

Author Biography

Marcos Bispo Santos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Professor Adjunto na Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Campus II, Colegiado de Letras - Língua Portuguesa e Literaturas; Professor do Mestrado Profissional em Letras - Profletras, no Campus V da mesma Universidade.




