And now, Jose? The punctuation by the bias of the notions of lack and excess


  • Marilei Resmini Grantham Universidade Federal do Rio Grande



This work has as its starting point the concepts developed and operationalized by Ernst (2009) in the text “Lack, excess and strangeness in the constitution / interpretation of the discursive corpus”. Of the three notions developed by Ernst in her work, I pay attention to those of lack and excess, and I propose to examine these concepts through the bias of punctuation. With this purpose, I choose as an analytical corpus the poem “José”, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, and, particularly, the formulation “And now, José?”, present throughout the poem. My goal is to work on the notions developed by Ernst, evidencing the discursive functioning of punctuation and seeking to expand my own reflections.

Author Biography

Marilei Resmini Grantham, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Professora Associada da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), atuando no Curso de Letras e no Curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu  em Linguística e Ensino de Língua Portuguesa. Fez Mestrado e Doutorado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Email:

