The aesthetic-rhetorical construction of social action in the literary-musical discursive genres: an analysis of the jingle Retrato do Velho


  • Diego Candido Abreu Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro / Doutorando em Estudos da Linguagem



The objective of this work is to analyze the process of aesthetic-rhetorical construction of the social action performed by discursive genres founded in the heart of song-word multimodal interplay taking jingles as a representative example of this broad category. The system of ideas and stances built by the authors affiliated with the New Rhetoric School (MILLER, 1984) grounds the theoretical framework of the present investigation. The methodology proposed here is in line with the qualitative research approach. Based on the interests of this work, I analyze the jingle Retrato do Velho. The analysis suggests that the paradigmatic choice of some discursive constructions articulated with certain musical structures in this jingle is grounded on an effort to bring about certain social actions intended by the piece’s composers and interpreters.

Author Biography

Diego Candido Abreu, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro / Doutorando em Estudos da Linguagem

Doutorando em Estudos da Linguagem pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) e Professor EBTT no IFMA-Codó. 


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