Governing free subjects: flesh, resistance and obedience


  • Arianna Sforzini Université Paris-Est Créteil, LIS - EA 4395
  • Carolina Verlengia ENS de Lyon, Triangle - UMR 5206



The present article discusses Michel Foucault’s analyses of power, resistance and subjectivity developed in the second half of the 1970s. For this purpose, we will take into account the different forms in which his work is presented (lectures, essays, articles, books etc.) and a set of archival documents (unpublished manuscripts) from the Fonds Foucault, recently acquired by the Bibliothèque nationale de France.  On the one hand, the article will explore the ethical and political attitude leading Foucault to develop new and complex analysis of power, mainly through his relation to the question of freedom and through his use of the concepts of “governmentality” and “critique”. On the other hand, it will explore unpublished manuscripts on the question of the “spiritual direction” and the “government of souls” in the age of Reforms. These texts demonstrate Foucault's progressive interest, in the mid-1970s, in the political and moral history of Christianity. At the heart of complex genealogies that go back to Christian modern theology, he found a new way of thinking the relation to the self as a possibility of both conflict and freedom.

Author Biographies

Arianna Sforzini, Université Paris-Est Créteil, LIS - EA 4395

Associated Researcher to the Bibliothèque nationale de France (2016-2019) and a Post-doctoral Fellow for the ANR project “Foucault Fiches de Lecture / Foucault's Reading Notes” (CNRS – ENS Lyon, 2018-2020). Member of the Association pour le Centre Michel Foucault and teaches philosophy at Sciences po – Reims.

Carolina Verlengia, ENS de Lyon, Triangle - UMR 5206

Holds a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP) and a master's degree in Political Sciences from ENS de Lyon. She is a Ph.D candidate in History of Political Thought at ENS Lyon and a member of the ANR project “Foucault Fiches de Lecture / Foucault's Reading Notes” (CNRS – ENS Lyon, 2018-2020).  


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