The reminder of the missing people during the last Argentine dictatorship (1976-1983): critical analysis of the genre




In this article we analyze a discursive genre emerged approximately in the year 1988: The reminder of the missing people during the last argentine dictatorship (1976-1983). We use the approach presented by Meurer (2005), which analyzes the genre from the categories proposed by Fairclough (1992) for a critical discourse analysis. The reminder of the missing people is a hybrid genre, since it possesses some of the characteristics of several discursive genres. First, these are those traditionally related to the circumstances of death; secondly, those which are called “memorial genres”, associated with the remembrance of the victims of state terrorism; and, thirdly, the search for notices of a persons' whereabouts, outside the context of a dictatorship. The analysis carried out here focuses especially on the reminders that Estela Barnes de Carlotto, president of the association "grandmothers of plaza de mayo", wrote for her daughter Laura Carlotto, a disappeared-detainee who vanished during the last military government in Argentina.

Author Biography

Graciela Mazur Geinses, University of Buenos Aires

Licenciada en Letras (U.B.A) 

Profesora en Enseñanza Media y Superior en Letras (U.B.A.)

Maestría en Análisis del Discurso (U.B.A. - en curso)

Profesora de Teoría Literaria II y Teoría Literaria III en la Carrera de Lengua y Literatura de Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Nº 1 de Avellaneda

Profesora  del Taller de Lectura, Escritura y Oralidad I en el Instituto Superior del Profesorado Joaquín V. González (C.A.B.A.)



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