Digital literacy in the “family desktop” of Conectar Igualdad Program: between the netbook user manual and the family’s governance


  • Maite Martinez Romagosa University of Buenos Aires



Our aim, in this paper, is to study how, through the articulation of different genres and discourses, the practice of "digital literacy" is discursively outlined in an Argentine public policy of "digital inclusion". Specifically, we analyze a corpus of texts produced for the Conectar Igualdad Program (2010-2018). We inscribe our work within the theoretical-methodological perspective of the Critical Discourse Analysis (CHOULIARAKI; FAIRCLOUGH, 1999; FAIRCLOUGH, 1992a, 2003). Moreover, we have incorporated the contributions of the Critical Analysis of Genres (MOTTA-ROTH, 2011; BONINI, 2010) to study the ways in which diverse generic features are articulated in these texts and to problematize the social practice that these genres recontextualize. The results suggest that, in the articulation between the genres textbook and text of governance (FAIRCLOUGH, 2003) a hierarchical power/knowledge relationship is constructed between the institution and the beneficiaries of public policy, which is based in a greater control over the private sphere and the instrumentalization of public discourse.



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