Sign this petition: for and against discourses on external voting for uruguayans on


  • Noelia Carrancio Pasilio University of Buenos Aires



In this paper, we analyze the five digital petitions on external voting for Uruguayans that we found on From the perspective of the Critical Genres Analysis (BAZERMAN, 1994; BHATIA, 2004; BONINI, 2011), we aim to describe and interpret the digital petition genre as a tool for current cyber-citizenship (CROVI, 2013). Thus, we argue that digital petitions are similar to the constitutional mechanism of popular legislative initiative, although they do not hold the same performative power. We also observe that they are a hyper-generic discursive practice since, in addition to being related to other discursive genres, they are inscribed within a greater framework of discursiveness where the social representations wielded in other spheres circulate, influence and serve as an explanation and justification of other discursive positions in dispute.


Author Biography

Noelia Carrancio Pasilio, University of Buenos Aires

Licenciada en Lingüística (Universidad de la República) y estudiante de la Maestría en Análisis del Discurso (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Docente de inglés y español como lengua extranjera.


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