Internationalization actions for teaching and research in the language area


  • Paula Tavares Pinto
  • Daniela Nogueira de Moraes Garcia
  • Douglas Cunha dos Santos UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"



Many strategic plans aim at the growth in internationalization (DE WIT et al., 2015) and mobility based on the understanding that such actions require language proficiency for communication, research exchange, basic partnerships, and digital developments. While many universities maintain international agreements, they must understand how foreign languages ??are vital to organically engaging students and academics. In this work, we present actions aimed at internationalization that have been implemented as a way to map and improve linguistic proficiency at Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), a multicampi institution. Among such actions, we will focus on mapping the level of language proficiency of students and the internal community, offering courses and tests and international mobility actions in the institution itself, such as virtual exchange sessions in a foreign language or lingua franca. The results point to growing awareness about the importance of language proficiency and actions that prioritize the globalization of Higher Education.


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