Small steps and a big change: facing internationalization as a community


  • Carla Conti de Freitas Universidade Estadual de Goiás
  • Giuliana Castro Brossi Universidade Estadual de Goiás Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Valéria Rosa-da-Silva Universidade Estadual de GoiásUniversidade Federal de Goiás



This article presents an extension event that supports internationalization at home in a local context of English teachers’ education and social language practices. The event is planned and carried out in a partnership among English teachers in Inhumas, and professors from foreign and local High Education Institutions. The goals of the study are: i) to discuss the role of the process of Internationalization at Home at UEG through an extension action and ii) to point possible contributions of the extension action for English teachers' education in the local community. The empirical material discussed came from reflections during a meeting in 2018, and from an electronic form in 2019. The discussion revealed the relationship between the event and the internationalization, and the potential expansion of teachers’ education during the event which holds a strong community sense that connects teachers from diverse fields, backgrounds, and contexts. 

Author Biography

Carla Conti de Freitas, Universidade Estadual de Goiás

Programa de pós-graduação em Língua, Literatura e Interculturalidade (POSLLI/UEG)


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