Identity (re)constructions in the migration context: beliefs, agency and socio-cultural autonomy in the narratives of a Brazilian Immigrant in the United States




This article investigates the development of sociocultural autonomy (OXFORD, 2003, 2017) through narratives focusing on the beliefs and agency development of an immigrant-learner as tools of autonomy and empowerment (BERTH, 2019), with the new community of practice. The data were generated based on written (e-mail) and oral (WhatsApp) narratives of an additional language learner (ALl). It was analyzed how the (re)constructions of identity occurred as the incorporation of the learner into the intended community of practice gradually expanded (WENGER, 2008). Furthermore, this study proposes a reflection on the notion of identity (HALL, 2006), raises questions about immigration, social mobility and multiculturalism (RYMES, 2010) and (CADAU, 2016), and the creation of ZPD as "a living space" (NEWMAN; HOLZMAN, 2002 [1993]). The analysis of the data showed that (re)constructions are possible in a continuum while engaging and socio-historical-culturally questioning the language being studied.

Author Biographies

Evelyn Natasha Silva do Nascimento, UFRJ

Professora de Língua Inglesa e Mestre pelo Programa Interdisciplinar de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada da UFRJ

Christine Siqueira Nicolaides, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professora Pesquisadora do Programa em Linguística Aplicada da UNISINOS e do Programa Interdisciplinar de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada da UFRJ.

Adolfo Tanzi Neto, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professor Pesquisador do Programa Interdisciplinar de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada da UFRJ.


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