The construction of power in pombagira's ethos in Umbanda's incorporated male mediuns


  • Renata Carreon UNICAMP



Discourse analysis, Discursive ethos, Dovetail , Umbanda


Considering that Umbanda promotes a symbolic inversion of power by bringing historically marginalized groups to the center of the scene as holders of great spiritual evolution, it is observed that Pombagira emerges as the free and powerful woman who transgresses the relationships historically established by society patriarchal. Based on this observation, we propose to observe the construction of the power ethos of Pombagira Sete Saias incorporated into a male medium in order to understand how she subverts what is both feminine and masculine, dressing her medium and intertwining strength and sensuality. For this, we will borrow the interviews made by the anthropologist Mariana Moura (2018) to Pombagira to analyze the construction of the discursive ethos from the assumptions of Dominique Maingueneau (2008, 2015, 2020). As initial conclusions, we argue that this body in transit raises questions relevant to Discourse Analysis, both with regard to the subject's relationship with the embedded medium, as well as the construction of the self-image in the entity's discourse.

Author Biography

Renata Carreon, UNICAMP

Doutora em Linguística pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Pós-doutoranda da Universidade Estadual de Campinas.


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