Foucault's archaeological procedures: from revision to optimization




Discourses, Foucault, Archeology, Method


The purpose of this article seeks to achieve two objectives. In the first instance, some problems of procedures and clarity of definitions between the referential level and the analysis of the formation of discourse objects are considered. Arguments and reflections that lead to the resolution of these difficulties of definition and conceptual clarity will be exposed. The second objective is to cut and redefine some procedures related to referential analysis and the formation of discursive objects, making them more palatable, precise and defined. This objective comes from the observation that Foucauldian archaeology, more specifically in relation to this instrument of discourse analysis, lacks clarity and well-defined definitions. This situation offered the opportunity to optimize this instrument, making it more accessible and effective for researchers who analyze discourses, whether from a historical point of view or from other areas of the human sciences.


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