Biotechnovoice and gender-dissonance: voice and discourse in agential realism




Voice, Discourse, New Materialisms, Gender


Dialoguing Foucauldian discourse studies, queer/cuir studies, gender studies and new materialisms, the article proposes to address the voice as an agency between discourses and materialities, in any case, an entanglement of human and non-human elements. It is understood that the materiality and agency (i.e. the production of effects) of the voice, which is part of the network of the language aparatus, is particularly productive for the understanding of the phenomenon of intra-action, a concept derived from agential realism. What the article does is, by appropriating the contributions of the studies already mentioned, to propose the concepts of biotechnovoice and gender-dissonance, concerning, at the same time, the intra-active agency of the voice in the materialization of gender and an ethics requested by sexual and gender dissidences.

Author Biography

Nathalia Müller Camozzato, UFSC - Florianópolis - Brasil

Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina em Estudos do Campo Discursivo na área de Linguística Aplicada.


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