Methodological strategies for the inclusion of ASD learners in foreign language classes: contributions of the universal design of learning and the multisensory approach
Autism spectrum disorder, Universal design for learning, Multisensory teaching approach, Inclusion, Foreing language teachingAbstract
In this article we present and discuss inclusive methodological strategies developed in an action research conducted in a Brazilian public foreign language teaching center. Participants in the study were the research teacher, the main teacher, a student diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and her classmates. The activities here presented are the result of the analysis of class observations, reflective meetings with both teachers, pedagogical interventions of the research teacher and semi-structured interviews. The principles of the Universal Design for Learning and the Multisensory Approach to Language Teaching were the foundation for the elaboration and conduct of activities, which we attempt to present as concrete examples of how the communicative foreign language class can be more inclusive for ASD learners.
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