Sociolinguistics contextualization of Guinean “Creole” in Guinea-Bissau
Guinean language, Guinean creole, Language policies in Guinea-Bissau, sociolinguistics contexT, PALOPAbstract
The present work aims to investigate the sociolinguistic context in which the Guinean language is inserted in Guinea-Bissau, from the point of view of its users. To talk about the genesis of the Guinean language, we consider Embaló (2008) and Rougé (1994). With regard to language policies, we rely on Couto (1996), Timbane and Manuel (2018), Calvet (2002) and Silva (2013). Regarding the methodology, we resorted to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of semi-structured questionnaires, submitted to 25 Guinean informants. The surveys covered factors related to the languages ??in use in Guinea-Bissau, the use of the Guinean language in the school environment and institutions and the evaluation of the importance of this language in the country. The results show reports that converge with each other regarding an oppressive linguistic policy regarding the use of Guinean in the educational system. On the other hand, there was a divergence of opinions from the participants about the formalization and teaching of the Guinean language in the school environment.
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