Oral production of intervocalic rhotics in principense portuguese
Rhotics, Principense Portuguese, Phonology, Phonetics, Linguistic contactAbstract
This study describes and analyzes intervocalic rhotics in Principense Portuguese (PP), spoken in Príncipe Island, São Tomé and Príncipe (STP). Portuguese in STP, with 98.4% of speakers (INE, 2012), is ruled by the European standard in the formal spheres of the State, media and education and coexists with four other African creole languages. 46.4% of different realizations of standard Brazilian (PB) and European Portuguese (PE) were verified, predominance of tap [?] (61.7%) and inter and intra-individual variation. Previous hypotheses are corroborated that in PP there is only one rhotic phoneme, due to a fusion of the two rhotics of EP, motivated i) by linguistic contact in the region and ii) by the low functional load of the rhotics in Portuguese. Thus, PP exhibits a phonological system different from that of standard BP/EP in terms of rhotics (AUTOR(A), 2016; AUTOR(A), 2020b).
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