Embedded clause in Libras
Libras, Embedded sentences, Non-manualsAbstract
This article aims at analyzing embedded clauses in Libras. Embedded sentences can be defined as clauses that play the role of a noun phrase, that is, instead of having a noun, a whole clause plays the role of this phrase. Embedded clauses have a very strict relationship of dependence and embedding with the nuclear clause. In this research, we will analyze the following types of embedded clauses: restrictive relative clauses, which defines a certain referent; subjective noun embedded clauses, which play the role of clause subject; and objective noun embedded sentences, which play the role of object clause. To develop the research, four reference deaf were selected from the Corpus de Libras of Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. The analyzes were developed on Elan, with the creation of specific tiers for the types of complex clause units, as well as for non-manual markers. Among the research results, the significant presence of non-manual markers, such as eye blinking, raised eyebrows and forward movement of the trunk can be noticed. Also, some sentences have a manual sign, such as the sign O-QUE and IGUAL-PARECER.
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