The cup had to be marked": discursive positioning in a narrative by a woman with Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease, Narrative, Women, InteractionAbstract
The Alzheimer’s Disease (henceforth AD) is a neurodegenerative pathology whose alarming prognostics, added to the non-identification of a cure, has been gained prominence, especially in the current scenario of population-aging (MC MADE; BATEMAN, 2017). Studies in different areas are conducted to investigate the pathology. However, sometimes, they end up constructing a limited stereotype of the affected people because they emphasize the deficits caused by the disease (SOUZA; MONTEIRO; GONÇALVES, 2022). In order to value what happens in the interactions, besides the difficulties, this article aims to investigate oral narratives that emerge from this interactional context. For this, qualitative interviews, comprehended as discursive events during which the meaning is co-constructed between the interlocutors, were conducted (MISHLER, 1986). The dimensions of narrative from Ochs and Capps (2001) and the levels of positioning from Bamberg (1997) constitute the theoretical methodological framework employed to investigate the moral positioning’s construction in the narrative. The results have shown that, besides the difficulties caused by AD, the participant was able to position herself in relation to recurrent discourses in Brazilian society about working and segregation in the housekeeper’s profession.
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