“Demonization of the State”: contradiction and resistance
Discourse, Controversy, Contradiction, Misconception, FailureAbstract
Standing alongside discourse analysis, in the broadest sense, I aim to analyze the answer given in a podcast interview, whose central theme is the good or bad social return of the State in terms of investments from the resources collected in the form of taxes. On the interviewee's side, there is skepticism regarding whether it will occur satisfactorily; On the side of the interviewee, the State is defended, but the defense remains between full praise and “unwanted” criticism. Considering the authors Althusser (2008, 2022), Bourdieu (2011), Foucault (2013), Maingueneau (1989, 2005), Orlandi (1993) and Pêcheux (1995, 1997, 2011), I develop the analytical movement, above all, taking into account the categories of controversy and contradiction, in this case, both in the logical and discursive sense.
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