Subpredication and small clause in simpler syntax: a case of non-uniformity at the interface




This research analyzes the semantic phenomena of subpredication based on Simpler Syntax (CULICOVER; JACKENDOFF, 2005). In their proposal, once semantics is generated in parallel, we have a presumption of non-uniformity as an option for theoretical economy: syntactic structures are maximally reduced, projecting only pronounced elements. We analyzed sentences containing verbs that select for subpredications and applied constituency tests in order to verify in which of these cases the verbs license an unique syntactic constituent as complement. Where we do attest the formation of such a constituent, the subpredication is syntactically projected as a small clause (SC); in all other cases, predication relations are set up directly with the verb, and no SC is formed – for this group of verbs, the syntactic representation is similar to that of double object verbs. Our results revealed that many verbs traditionally considered to select SCs, in fact, don’t do so, even though they establish a subpredication relation on the semantic level.


Author Biographies

Rafaela Miliorini, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação e Linguística da UFSC

Heronides Moura, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professor Titular do Departamento de Língua e Literatura Vernáculas e do Programa de Pós-graduação e Linguística da UFSC


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