Growth of contemporary firm: case study of an institution of higher education


  • Samuel Martim de Conto UNIVATES
  • Carlos Candido da Silva Cyrne UNIVATES
  • Júlia Elisabete Barden UNIVATES



The competition among firms is observed in all markets being them producers of goods or services providers. Under the point of view of many competition aspects and market, a Higher Education Institution also configures itself as being a Penrosian firm. Because of that, this study proposes to analyze the growing of a Higher Education Institution of Rio Grande do Sul under the Theory of the Firm. The method used to develop this study was the qualitative and exploratory approach using technical procedures as secondary sources, bibliographic surveys about the issue and internal documents from the examined organization. As the result of this study considerations are presented showing the growing of the organization and identified correlatives between the evolution of the Institution and the elements of the Theory of the Firm.

Author Biographies

Samuel Martim de Conto, UNIVATES

Doutorando em Administração do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da UNISINOS.

Carlos Candido da Silva Cyrne, UNIVATES

Doutorando em Ambiente e Desenvolvido do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento da UNIVATES.

Júlia Elisabete Barden, UNIVATES

Doutora em Economia (UFRGS), docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento - PPGAD e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia - PPGBiotec da UNIVATES.




