The ethics of social science research at Paraguayan Universities
This article analyzes the theoretical and ethical principles of social research to contribute to the strengthening of current practices at the universities in Paraguay. The methodology used had an exploratory scope, following a qualitative approach, through a literature research and documentary analysis, including declarations, guidelines and codes of scientific ethics published by national and international organizations. This analysis indicate that the concern about ethics in scientific research began in the Health Sciences, and later were applied with human subjects and Social Sciences. Since 1980, there are specific ethical guidelines for social research, highlighting the importance of empathy, and the ongoing dialogue and negotiation with the participating community. To strengthen ethical practices in social research at the universities in Paraguay, this study finds that, beyond the bureaucratic requirements, research practices must be based on dialogical and situational ethics to promote an ethical attitude toward the research process, to respect people's dignity, their differences and their autonomy, and contribute to justice and equity.Downloads
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