Entrepreneurial university: the perspective of entrepreneurs on theplacement entrepreneur of the university in contribution to regional development
The university-industry interaction is alienated as a driving tool technologicaldevelopment of a country. The company focuses its production activities in the economy and the university has its pillar in research and knowledge. With these key players focusing actions together, regional development has chances of reaching important levels of development for a nation. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the opinion of entrepreneurs about the importance of entrepreneur positioning the university for the development of a region. Therefore, we performed a multi case study with entrepreneurs who have involvement with different universities. An exploratory qualitative research was used, whose technique for data collection was the application of a structured questionnaire with questions open for three companies nominated by cores, each of the three regions of the PEPI service:. Production Region, Sierra and Metropolitan of the Rio Grande do Sul State has been found that the business craves that universities are present in the context in they are engaged and that the interaction is dependent on the vision and the need each company.Downloads
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