Work satisfaction from the perspective of internal market orientation in a public education institution: teachers x administrative staff




Internal marketing (IM) and internal market orientation (IMO) are strategies that allow satisfay the needs of employees in order to create value for the final customer. The purpose this article is identify and compare the IMO sub-dimensions that affect teacher and administrative staff satisfaction in a public educational institution. In first moment, the literature on IM and IMO has been revised, especially within the educational context. The research had a quantitative and descriptive approach. The sample was of 624 workers that answered a questionnaire based on the model of Gounaris (2006). The results showed that the two careers analyzed had different views of the IMO in organization, it only one sub-dimension: Communication between managers and employees was significant in the work of both careers. However for the administrative staff three other sub-dimensions: Training, Attention to groups with common needs and Identification of internal customer needs shown to be significant. In resume concluded that there are common variables that affect the satisfaction of the different careers, but some variables affect only one group.

Author Biographies

Zamora Cristina dos Santos, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo

Mestre em Administração de Empresas e Coordenadora de Exrensão do Ifes Campus Aracruz

Emerson Wagner Mainardes, Fucape Business School

Professor Associado e Pesquisador da FUCAPE Business School, é doutor em Administração para Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI - Covilhã/Portugal - 2010), possui graduação em Engenharia Industrial Elétrica pelo CEFET/PR (1993), especialização em Administração pela Universidade da Região de Joinville - UNIVILLE (2000) e mestrado em Administração pela Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB (2007). Atua nos seguintes temas: Marketing de Serviços, Inovação e Estratégia. É coordenador do Centro de Estudos em Marketing e Estratégia da FUCAPE Business School. Pertence ao Comitê Científico da Rome Business School. É pesquisador convidado do NECE - Núcleo de Estudos em Ciências Empresariais, centro de pesquisa da UBI. É pesquisador associado e presidente no Brasil da International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM). É co-editor da Brazilian Business Review (BBR).




