Endomarketing in higher education institutions: a study at the federal university of Pampa


  • Mikaela Daiane Prestes Floriano Universidade Federal do Pampa
  • Andressa Hennig Silva Universidade Federal do Pampa




The importance of actions aimed at satisfying the demands of internal clients of organizations is increasingly evident in view of the need to develop a pleasant working environment for workers. In view of this, this article sought to verify how the servers evaluate the actions of endomarketing performed at a Federal University located in the south of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. For this purpose, a Survey was conducted, of a descriptive nature and a quantitative and qualitative approach. The data collection took place from the application of a questionnaire to the servers of the university. The results point out that the endomarketing has been little propagated in the institution, evidencing the indispensability of immediate improvement of some aspects of the four dimensions of the endomarketing of Inkotte (2000).

Author Biographies

Mikaela Daiane Prestes Floriano, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Mestranda em Administração (PPGA/UNIPAMPA); Pós-Graduanda em Marketing (UNIJUÍ); Bacharel em Administração (UNIPAMPA)

Andressa Hennig Silva, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Professora Adjunta na Universidade Federal do Pampa- Campus Santana do Livramento. Atua na Graduação e Mestrado em Administração. Doutora em Administração (PPGA/UFSM). Mestre em Administração (PPGA/UFSM)




