Professional masters and academic perspectives for technical-administrative staff
The study aims to show the contributions of the master degree to the academic career of the egress, as tools for expanding opportunities and qualification of the server, specifically for the alumni of the Master Degree in Public Policies from Higher Education (POLEDUC) at the Federal University of Ceará. The study was developed in a documentary, census, exploratory and descriptive research, whose the unit of analysis is the graduated students from the POLEDUC, which were into groups from 2007 to 2014. The survey of the professional and academic data of the graduates was carried out in June 2016, totaling 146 graduates, where it was excluded cancellating and withdrawal enrollments. The survey indicated the prevalence of women and employees in the administrative area from the higher education institutions. It was also found that only half of the students have published some article during the course, and only a third ones have published after the master degree. Regarding of the career continuity, few graduates have entered doctoral programs; and, among the technicians, about 14% had some teaching activity after the master degree. The outcomes indicate the most of graduates of POLEDUC do not present career continuity from an academic perspective.
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