The sociology of tourism education in uruguay: an analysis from the educational offer in tourism and its research structures
This paper analyses the educational offer of tourism and its conections with the formal structures of production of knowledge in the area, in Uruguay. Therefore, a review was made on the sociology of education applied to tourism, as well as on the institutions and formal structures (nuclei, groups, observatories, centers, etc.) dedicated to the research of tourism. The empirical research, with a quantitative nature, was based on a survey (with SPSS support) of all the tourism programs existing in the country, according to the Ministry of Education of Uruguay. The existence of EOT and FTRE in HEIs was verified through their websites, according to a research protocol developed in a previous study by Pimentel and De Paula (2014). The results show that there is there is a low training offer in tourism in Uruguay, that is, 35.13% of the HEIs in the country, in which there is a strong asymmetry between EOT and FTRE, in addition to internal discrepancies in the tourism education offer, such as the preponderance of undergraduate programs in the subject area of “economics and management”. The lack of a more plural, transversal and the complementary EOT, helps partially explain the difficulty in the constitution of formal structures of research in tourism.References
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