Internal communication in higher education public institutions: channels and contents
Internal communication is a helpful tool for the strengthening of interactions, the sense of appreciation, and the engagement of employees with organizational goals. Thus, this study seeks to analyze the practice of internal communication in a given higher education institution, in order to map the preferences of the employees in relation to its channels and contents. We used a case study model, through a predominantly qualitative approach. We concluded that email is the most used medium of communication, and that social media and instant messaging applications do not have a good acceptability. Face-to-face communication is also well-accepted by employees. Regarding content, it was pointed out that employees had an interest in the divulgation of management’s decisions, as well as those of the Superior Council, and matters related to the management of people. Thus, this research aims to be a source of advice for public educational managers to evaluate or redefine their internal communication, aiming to help them strengthen their interactions and relationships with strategic publics; and, consequently, reflect positively in the services offered to the company.
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