Validation of measurement scale of students' preference by private higher education institutions




Educational Marketing, Scale Validation, Factor analysis


The objective of this article is to validate a scale that assesses students' preference for private higher education institutions (HEIs), highlighting sociocultural, personal and psychological factors that influence this decision process. For this, a survey was conducted with 131 students from a private university located in the northern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. As a method, we opted for construct validation, which consists of analyzing the internal consistency of the scale (Cronbach's Alpha) and verifying its psychometric properties (Factor Analysis). The results obtained demonstrate that the scale has theoretical validity and consistency, given that the variables were coherently grouped in relation to the influencing factors outlined in the literature. The psychometric indices were within the reliability parameters, demonstrating the scale's consistency and construct validity. Its structure with three factors proved to be satisfactory, with an explained variance of 40% and an overall Cronbach's Alpha of 0.82. This research contributes, validating a consistent scale that can serve as a tool to map the profile of students and consequently develop strategies that aim to attract and retain them.

Author Biographies

Edson Jesus de Paiva e Silva Filho, Universidade de Passo Fundo

Possui graduação em Administração pela Universidade de Passo Fundo (2015) Foi aluno na categoria especial do Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração - UPF - Mestrado em Administração - 2019. Atualmente, cursa Mestrado em Administração no PPGAdm pela Universidade de Passo Fundo.

Andre da Silva Pereira, Universidade de Passo Fundo

Bacharel em Ciência Econômicas (Universidade Santa Úrsula/USU - 1990) Rio de Janeiro. Mestre em Economia pela (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/UFRGS - 1996). Doutor em Economia (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/UFRGS - 2004) com tese na linha de pesquisa de desenvolvimento econômico. Professor titular no Programa de Mestrado em Administração (PPGAdm) e na Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas, Administrativas e Contábeis (FEAC) da Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF). Pesquisador no Centro de Pesquisa e Extensão da CEPEAC/FEAC. O foco das pesquisas são os estudos com ênfase em economia regional, desenvolvimento econômico, métodos quantitativos, estudos organizacionais nas empresas.


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