Voice and silence behaviors of technical-administrative servants at a public university
Organizational Behavior, Voice Behavior, Silence Behavior, University Management, Public UniversityAbstract
This study analyzes the factors that motivate voice and silence behaviors of
technical-administrative servers in the work contexts of a university. It is a qualitative
research, using narrative interviews guided by a semi-structured script. Thirteen technical-
administrative servers from a public university in the state of Bahia participated in the study.
Forty-four narratives were reported, which reaffirmed the multidetermination of voice and
silence behaviors, presenting individual dispositions, leader behavior, attitudes and
perceptions, beliefs and emotions, and contextual factors as motivating factors. Workers
associated voice behaviors with individual issues, while silence was related to group and
contextual factors. Among the 26 voice narratives, 20 were pro-social, five defensive, and one
acquiescent. In the 18 silence narratives, 11 were defensive, six acquiescent, and one pro-
social. Work groups and leadership played an expressive role in the development of voice and
silence. This study contributes to expanding knowledge about voice and silence behaviors in
the field of university management, which enables supporting the formulation of policies and
practices aimed at promoting pro-social behaviors, with a view to achieving higher quality
public higher education.
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