Satisfaction, confidence, commitment and its relations with the loyalty of the student of higher education
This research checked the variables of the Relationship Quality-based Student Loyalty (RQSL) model are significantly related to the loyalty of the students in the context of provision of educational services in a particular Higher Education Institution. Approached about the satisfaction, quality, confidence, and commitment constructs and their relationship to loyalty. To analyze the research question, a case study was conducted at an HEI, localized in the city of Recife-PE, through an online questionnaire, directed to students of Law, Accounting Sciences, Administration, Computer Science and Production Engineering. The context addressed has this research question: "What is the influence of constructs related to the educational environment in the form of perceiving the positive impact on the student's loyalty to the particular Institution of Higher Education?" The data obtained reveal the constructs satisfaction, commitment and confidence influence the loyalty of students, the satisfaction is a construct of greater strength.References
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