The image of PT in the coverage of the CPEM affair


  • Paulo Roberto Figueira Leal UFJF



As early as 1997, when the corruption case involving the CPEM consultanting and the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT - Worker's Party) Sao Paulo estate municipal governments first appeared, the two main newspapers in São Paulo emphasized (O Estado de S. Paulo, peremptorily; and the Folha de S. Paulo, hypothetically) that there was no difference between the PT and all the other parties. While Estadão preferred the editorial style, centered on the PT, Folha emphasized the promiscuous relations between consulting firms and municipal governments (not only the ones that are ruled by PT).

Author Biography

Paulo Roberto Figueira Leal, UFJF

Doutor em Ciência Política pelo Iuperj, professor do PPGCom e da Graduação em Jornalismo da UFJF.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

