The news columns and the mediatic logic of entertainment


  • Rogério Martins Souza UFRJ



Which journalistic gender is the most successful one among Brazilian readers nowadays? The ones who had answered that the favourite style among Brazilian readers are the columns are right. The style comes from the old social columns, it has changed and now it covers a widespread range of subjects, with special attention to those from politics. The present paper analyzes three of the most popular columns – the ones written by Jorge Bastos Moreno, Mônica Bergamo and Cláudio Humberto – in order to study the journalistic news’ concept in them.

Author Biography

Rogério Martins Souza, UFRJ

Doutorando em Comunicação pela UFRJ, Mestre em Comunicação, especialista em Jornalismo Cultural pela UERJ.

