From Journalism and from History to History of Journalism


  • Felipe Pontes UFSC



This text presents some approaches between History and Journalism, studying the theoretical route of each one of these areas and the possible links from the constitution of History of Journalism concept. It has as foundation the abstracts of the thesis and papers from post-graduate in Communication of Brazil which discusse this subject, establishing, first of all, which treat Journalism and, among these, which research History of Journalism. The study treats the formation of a jornalistical knowledge field from the search for its autonomy conjugated the development conceptual and theoreti¬cal of History for an understanding of the difficulties and the possibilities belonging to History of Journalism. Finally, it establishes that as much the opening from History to the others knowledge fields as the lack of a justified and limited object from Journal¬ism permit the entry by the others areas for the composition of the researches in His¬tory of Journalism, such as Sociology, Economy, Politics and Language Studies.

Author Biography

Felipe Pontes, UFSC

Graduação em Jornalismo pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brasil(2006) Atuação em Jornalismo e Editoração Trabalha na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina , Brasil.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

