Hipólito before the Correio: a self-taught reporter


  • Paulo Roberto de Almeida PUC-RJ




Read with the distance of two centuries, not because of its manner, but for its efective content, Hipolito da Costa’s notes and observations in his Diário de Viagem, in which he reports his trip to the United States, acquires characteristiscs of a sociologic essay avant la lettre. It presents all literary requisits to figure as the founding work of brazilian americanism. His diary is a long story with amazing anticipations on American society, and confirms, also on anticipation, the analitic density and the writer genius of Correio Braziliense’s future (and only) journalist.

Author Biography

Paulo Roberto de Almeida, PUC-RJ

Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade de Bruxelas, é diplomata de carreira, professor no Mestrado em Direito do Centro Universitário de Brasília (Uniceub) e professor orientador do Mestrado em Diplomacia do Instituto Rio Branco do Itamaraty. Cursa pós-doutorado na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC-RJ.

