Between borders: exploring the effect of the third person


  • Francisco Gilson Rebouças Pôrto Junior Fundação Universidade do Tocantins



The article presents a literature review on the hypothesis of the effect of the third person. This was proposed by Davison (1983) and Perloff (1993) and assumes imagined effects of reports in the media about other people. The central idea of the authors and, as demonstrated in research, is the existence of the perception that others can be influenced. This has repercussions in various fields of communication, such as politics and censorship.

Author Biography

Francisco Gilson Rebouças Pôrto Junior, Fundação Universidade do Tocantins

Graduado em Pedagogia (UnB) e Jornalismo (ULBRA), Mestre em Educação (FE-UnB) e Doutorando em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporânea (UFBA). Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa Educação, Cultura e Transversalidade (GPECT-UNITINS).

