A look at the news coverage of social public policies on Zero Hora newspaper


  • Rosane Rosa UFSM




The hypothesis that should guide the treatment of public policies is that human rights and citizenship should be guaranteed to all citizens. Since this, it´s approach in the first part of the paper the concepts of Social Public Policy and Enigma of Poverty and, in sequence, present a brief summary of narrative strategies used by the Zero Hora Journal in reporting of the tariff. The period surveyed (2004-2008) represents a sample of how the social agenda on public policy gets space in journalistic schema and, consequently, on the public agenda. The search allowed understanding and characterizing the nature of the journalist narratives produced, since they can interfere in decision on public policy and influential public opinion. It´s understood to facilitate is the construction of meanings of these processes originates, from side to side games of languages, mode how the identities are constructed and the rights are represented, that, fundamentally, induce the differentiation and discrimination, between excluded people and the rest of society.

Author Biography

Rosane Rosa, UFSM

Doutora em Informação e Comunicação pela UFRGS. Mestre em Ciencias da Comunicaçao pela Unisinos. Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e do Depto. de Ciências da Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM).





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