From union leader to president: Lula and the Hero's Journey through the journalistic narrative on Jornal Nacional


  • Angelo Müller Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



This articleresult from the author’s Master Thesis and features an interdisciplinaryanalysis of narrative for television and journalism, which has theJosephCampbell'sHero’s Journey(2007) as a leading paradigm and theoretical frame. As goesthe work, theschemeofCampbell’s is compared to the representations of the political career of the former President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, in the narratives ofJornal Nacional(JN), Rede Globo.The studyhas highlighted thenarrative asmedia product, and the resultpoints to thestrengthofthemyth over the construction of thenarrative process.

Author Biography

Angelo Müller, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Mestre em Comunicação pelo PPGCOM da PUCRS. Bolsista do Capes. Doutorando em Comunicação pelo PPGCOM da PUCRS. Bolsista da Capes.

