Social representations of the Northeast: I saw a Pernambuco on TV




This article aims to suggest a categorization of news about Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil, displayed in the Jornal Nacional (JN) of Rede Globo. We seek to understand how they are constructed the state's image in television news with the largest audience in the country. For this, we use the theory of social representations and the Journalism theories, to understand how are they produced and selected journalistic information. Take for basic reports displayed in the Jornal Nacional. The analysis pointed to six representations contained in JN on the State: the factual; Pernambuco as a positive model for other states; celebrities; cultural manifestation; disasters and public service. They point to the possibility that daily Jornal Nacional can contribute to the social construction of Pernambuco in Brazil.

Author Biographies

Alfredo Eurico Vizeu, UFPE

Decom?UFPE - Jornalismo

Renata Echeverria, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Doutoranda (2013/...) e Mestra (2010/2012) pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação - PPGCOM, da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE. De 2012 a 2014 ensinou no curso de Jornalismo na Uninassau (Faculdade Maurício de Nassau- Recife), as disciplinas: Telejornalismo II e Técnicas de Entrevista e Reportagem II. Trabalhou durante 11 anos (1996/2007) na TV Globo Nordeste, como apresentadora, repórter e editora de texto de telejornais.

