Radiomorfose: mutations of productive routines of the TSF and Renaissance radios, Lisbon, PT




This article analyzes the changes in journalistic production routines of radio TSF and Renaissance, Lisbon, from the interference of the digital media ecosystem. In situ observation, it pointed out that broadcasters invest in the production and distribution of content in the light of logic of media convergence, based on contemporary modes of information consumption. However, the study also found a slow transformation of operating modes that demarcate the journalistic production. Finally, the survey revealed a context of some vagueness of the stations on the adoption of a model of radio production able to finance the ongoing changes.

Author Biography

Maicon Elias Kroth, Centro Universitário Franciscano - Santa Maria - RS.

Professor Pós-doutor em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). Doutor pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS).

