About the role of Public Relations Agencies during international wars and conflicts


  • Regina Cazzamatta Universidade de Erfurt/Alemanha




The role of public relation agencies during wars and international conflicts. This exploratory article discusses the work of PR agencies for National States during times of war and conflict. Through strategies such as the image construction of the enemy, misinformation, euphemisms, staged news or even false stories, it occurs a discursive war in order to win the public opinion and legitimize a conflict. As example, the article focuses on existing cases of the German literature focused on the topic about the involvement of PR agencies work and strategies in the following wars: Balkan and Kosovo (1999), the Caucasus (2008) and Gulf (1991). 

Author Biography

Regina Cazzamatta, Universidade de Erfurt/Alemanha

Doutoranda em Ciências da Comunicação na Universidade de Erfurt/Alemanha. Possui graduação em Jornalismo pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP (2006), especialização em Jornalismo Internacional pela PUC-SP (2011) e mestrado em Ciência da Comunicação pela Universidade de Erfurt/Alemanha (2014). E-mail: regina.cazzamatta@uni-erfurt.de.

