On telejournalism and entertainment: A brief analysis of the adaptation in Jornal Nacional’s editorial line during the 2014 FIFA World Cup coverage


  • Carlos Eduardo Marquioni Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP)




In this paper it is briefly analyzed the coverage of 2014’s FIFA World Cup (headquartered in Brazil) aired by the Brazilian TV newscast Jornal Nacional. We present empirical data collected in a research project conducted by the author that allow us to observe what is considered here as an adaptation in the editorial line of the television news. It is addressed the hypothesis that such variation would be potentially motivated by both the cultural relevance that football has in the country, and the interest of reaching higher audience ratings by Globo’s TV news program due to the coverage of the event. Additionally, it is pointed that the variation (observed both quantitatively and qualitatively in the categories of the typically aired news in that TV program) started before the beginning of the tournament.

Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Marquioni, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP)

Docente do programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Comunicação e Linguagens da Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná. Doutor em Comunicação e Linguagens pela UTP PR, é membro do grupo de pesquisa Interações comunicacionais, imagens e culturas digitais (I COM - UTP/Curitiba e do Grupo de Estudos Culturais (GECu - Unesp/Franca). É vice-coordenador do GP Televisão e Televisualidades do Intercom (2016-2017). E-mail: cemarquioni@uol.com.br

