Notes on the definitions of cultural journalism in the annals of the SBPJor: 10 years of analysis on the mediation of culture
This article aims to analyze the definitions of cultural journalism found from the mapping of a national reference repository, the Brazilian Association of Journalism Researchers (SBPJor). Based on this reference, a panoramic analysis of the data referring to ten years of production in the event was carried out, reaching the five authors most cited on the concept: Cida Golin, Everton Cardoso, Daniel Piza, Sergio Gadini and José Salvador Faro. The main ideas found in the definitions refer to a distinct process of temporal mediation, based on patterns of contextualization and aesthetic valuation. We conclude the reflections recognizing the set of works as a plausible place of mapping on the consensus and fissures present in the definitions of cultural journalism during the period of the publications.
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