Notes on the definitions of cultural journalism in the annals of the SBPJor: 10 years of analysis on the mediation of culture


  • Anna de Carvalho Cavalcanti Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)



This article aims to analyze the definitions of cultural journalism found from the mapping of a national reference repository, the Brazilian Association of Journalism Researchers (SBPJor). Based on this reference, a panoramic analysis of the data referring to ten years of production in the event was carried out, reaching the five authors most cited on the concept: Cida Golin, Everton Cardoso, Daniel Piza, Sergio Gadini and José Salvador Faro. The main ideas found in the definitions refer to a distinct process of temporal mediation, based on patterns of contextualization and aesthetic valuation. We conclude the reflections recognizing the set of works as a plausible place of mapping on the consensus and fissures present in the definitions of cultural journalism during the period of the publications.

Author Biography

Anna de Carvalho Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Informação da UFRGS. E-mail:

