Can the subordinate silence the subordinate? Limits and overflows between reporter and interviewees


  • Fabiana Moraes universidade federal de pernambuco (UFPE)



This article seeks to collaborate with a central issue in the debate on gender, espe­cially the one related to transgenderity and transvestibility: the discussions about intersectionality and consubstantiality and the limits, clashes, encounters and de­velopments arising from journalistic work. In this sense, an analysis of texts (re­ports, accounts, essays) on transgender women and transvestite and the actions and reactions derived from these texts is carried out. In particular, one discusses the phenomena that have arisen between that who produces the texts (a black cis­gender reporter) and the analyzed public (black and white transsexual women and transvestites). In making this analysis, the article emphasizes the potent role of subjectivity in journalism, understanding it not as a denial of objectivity, but as a way to embrace, not refuse, the dissonances that arise from the encounters neces­sary to rethink practices and representations.

Author Biography

Fabiana Moraes, universidade federal de pernambuco (UFPE)

Jornalista, doutora em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), professora do Núcleo de Design e Comunicação, Campus do Agreste da UFPE.

