A reform proposal for journalistic ethics


  • Rogério Christofoletti Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)




"Disruptive" has been one of the most vocalized adjectives at events about technological advances in the media and their incessant social changes. The word of fashion tries to demarcate the scope and intensity of ruptures with practices, ideas and habits that were consolidated until very recently. The word fetish circulates easily in today's journalistic atmosphere, rarefied of certainties and at the same time charged by the sulfur of the crisis in the industry. Disrupting Journalism Ethics, by Stephen J. A. Ward, draws the anguish and effervescence of these times to reflect on what remains of journalistic ethics in our convulsively hyperconnected societies. If journalism is no longer what we thought and if our principles erode, the most immediate reasoning is to imagine that everything is lost. Ward supports the hypothesis that journalistic ethics needs a profound conceptual reform, willing to sacrifice some ideas that are no longer standing today and capable of absorbing more oxygenated notions of emerging professional practices. In an expression: a disruptive journalistic ethic, a consequence of the abandonment of some values and the assumption of others.

Author Biography

Rogério Christofoletti, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Professor do Departamento e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Jornalismo da UFSC, pesquisador do CNPq e um dos coordenadores do Observatório da Ética Jornalística (objETHOS).


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