Fake news and Folha de S. Paulo failure: visibility of criticism in cases of parody and journalistic satire


  • Ivan Paganotti FIAM-FAAM - Centro Universitário




In 2010, Folha de S. Paulo newspaper requested in court the removal of www.falhadespaulo.com.br website. It imitated the newspaper visual identity to criticize its content. This study examines how the removed content was republished online, bringing even more attention to what should be hidden. This paper also analyzes legal documents used as proof and as an instrument of objective narrative legitimation on humor website. It was published by one hand of the dispute published these documents to highlight its transparency in a case involving requests for concealment. The final decision protected the right to parody (and denied the removal of a still offline website), but it is necessary to analyze how this case connects itself with the debate about parodies that mock journalism, a controversial sense of the term “fake news”.

Author Biography

Ivan Paganotti, FIAM-FAAM - Centro Universitário

Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e professor do Mestrado Profissional em Jornalismo do FIAM-FAAM – Centro Universitário. E-mail: ivanpaganotti@gmail.com


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